school, school, school, and WRITING!

May 13, 2007 10:40

so it looks like i'm at least going to survive the test tomorrow. i've been getting high 3's and low 4s (out of 5) on the practice tests, and 3 is the passing grade. so now the question is just how WELL i'm going to do, because i think i will end up passing (yayomg).

i've also finally gotten into a routine in psychology, but the problem with my routine is that i haven't been reading the chapter until about two hours before the quiz. >.< somehow i'm managing, though. and hopefully after the bio test i'll be able to devote more time to psych.

tomorrow will be the first day of intentionally skipping a class. with my favorite professor too! *headdesk* i told him and he says it's fine, but i wanna know what i'm missing!! although it will be nice NOT to be with my group. i don't like my group. and i really wish the final wasn't a group project. i work better on my own than with idiots. and i'm sorry, but why does it always end up with the good students paired with the really horrible ones? *headdesk again*

also, babybrothalova - i may email you a bit of one of the fics that i'm working on, because i don't think it's working out right... >.< but i dunno when i'll be emailing it, so don't hold your breath, lol. just didn't want it to be a total surprise when i did email it. *g*

and speaking of writing. runaway is kinda sorta almost done. except for the end. lol. but it really shouldn't be too much longer. i hope. i just wanna get it finished so i can not worry about it any more. *sigh* i'll work on it some more soon, i promise.

school, class: comm 103, writing, rl, class: psych 100, co-op: biology

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