
May 11, 2007 23:53

took niquil stuff. dunno if that's how to spell it but whatever. i'm gonna fall asleep in about 5 min anyway. which means i gotta get in bed before then... lol

today was very blah. wore pjs to co-op, which was nice. been doing it a couple of times, ever since we had a "pj day" but i can't do it all the time because i hafta go straight from there to class on campus which means i actually hafta be dressed. anyways. today was a nice day so we were studying outside on the trampoline for a while, which was cool. haven't been out on the trampoline in like, a year or something. used to do it every friday... anyway. oooh, i have a trampoline icon. *uses* lol

wrote a bit more of that as-yet-untitled church fic. was gonna see about making a banner manip for it, but (on my first quick glance through my pics) i couldn't find any of dom where he looks grown up and serious and stuff. so if you guys know of any pics like that, let me know, okay? :)

ooookay, feeling really tired now. gotta get to bed before i fall asleep omg. hopefully i can watch lost tomorrow. *crosses fingers* there was something else i wanted to say but as usual, i can't remember. sorry about not reply to comments still. >.< i will, really, i will.

now i'm really about to fall asleep. g'night everyone.

oh, and does anyone know of any fics that involves dom doing yoga? i know i've read a few, but all i can find at the moment is magickalmolly's spiritual enlightenment. i'll ask lotrips_finders tomorrow or something. goondight.

school, dominic monaghan, writing, rl, co-op: biology

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