some RL stuff and some icons

Apr 30, 2007 16:38

First of all, Cute Guy is going to be Dead Guy very soon, because he didn't do what I SPECIFICALLY told him to do, which was to give my right email address to the producer. So she's been emailing me, but to the wrong address, and I haven't gotten any of it. So I talked to her today and gave her my private email address, which I didn't want to do, and she gave me the script with her and the director's notes on it to rewrite by tomorrow or Wednesday. It's not gonna be hard, per se, but omg I'm annoyed at Cute Dead Guy.

Another email problem: I emailed my essay to my prof (who was wearing a cute corduroy jacket today I don't have a crush on him, I swear!) last week, and never got a reply, which I didn't think was too weird, but still, I kind of expected a "thanks, I got your email" kind of thing. Anyway, he was handing back everyone's essays today, and when he got to the end of the stack, mine wasn't there! He asked me if I sent him one, and I said yes, and then he gave me a different email address to send it to. So now I've resent the essay from both the school email and my personal email, to both his school email and his personal email. OMG EMAIL.

Had a big talk with my mom about my friend and why she's grounded and what kinds of problems her family's having and omg it's just so COMPLICATED. (Tiffany: you can't tell anyone ANYTHING about this, because I'm not supposed to know, and nobody's supposed to talk about anything at all, which is why everything's a problem in the first place.) Mainly the problem is with the group of friends that this girl hangs out with. I think they're all guys, and they're all older than her, and they're all like, high school drop-outs or failing out of high-school, and their idea of fun isn't what I would call fun at all. Anyway, she hangs out with them all the time, and basically they're getting her into trouble, and there's a whole peer pressure issue, and I wish she would just hang out with me, but that's inconvenient because I live 45 min away while all these guys are like, 2 min away. >.< *sigh*

And last but not least, I'm going to get rid of my Rock & Roll icon, but I dunno what to replace it with. Also, I was an idiot and only saved these as .jpeg and not .psd, so I'm going to have to try to remake it if I want to change anything. *facepalm*

 pretty much a straight remix of my current Rock&Roll, only a ton better-looking, lol.

 this is my personal favorite, I think, but the 't' of my username is cut off. should I bother with remaking this one to change it? anyway, I just mostly like the effect I did on this one; it had a layer with it really saturated, sharp, and bright, then a second layer with a slight blur, then a third completely desaturated layer at something ilke 50% opacity. probably wouldn't be too hard to remake. I could also maybe change the cropping if I did that...

 same as the Rock&Roll in picture and font, but with my name. opinions pls?

 same as above, but with the other font.

 now, I don't really know how I feel about this set. they're all kinda from the same picture, with the same text placement, but I dunno if it works very well with the framing/font/color/etc.
So, opinions on any of these? suggestions? different pictures I should use? anything, please.

ps: I'm still workin' on fixing my index. >.< HA! Index is fixed and I am PROUD. AND, I have the raw html saved so I can just add to it there and copy/paste it in. \o/

school, class: comm 103, rant, rl, icons

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