art, school, and... that's it.

Apr 15, 2007 13:33

I was gathering up my artwork today to put it in my portfolio and take pictures of it to post, and I can't find my Frodo painting anywhere. :( It wouldn't have gotten thrown out or anything, so I'm not too worried, but I just can't find it. The only picture I have is one that I took with my cell phone which isn't that good. >.<

On my biology CD, there's sometimes little movies of a lady with a cadaver or a plastic model pointing out organs and stuff. Well, one of the videos with the cadaver was very strange, to put it mildly. First of all, she basically just pulled out the intestines and then started stuffing them back in, she seemed to really like flipping membranes and organs back and forth, and took her a minute to figure out what organ she was pointing to at one point. But the really weird part is this: she pointed to something and said (and I'm paraphrasing here), "Most people say it's about twelve fingers long, but I only have ten, so just imagine two more." O__o Does that sound REALLY weird to anyone else, or is it just me? LOL

Anyway, I should get back to work. I have a psych quiz today/tomorrow, a first draft of a paper due tomorrow, a resume and an interview on Tuesday, and then more biology stuff on Wednesday. >.< I think it's somewhere around 4-5 weeks until the AP test. Somebody kill me now. And oh yes, I have a LotR book test on Friday too.

Oh, also, I'm thinking about redoing some of my icons, because on this color-corrected monitor, they look like crap. They looked good on my old monitor, honest! lol

school, posting, to do list, co-op: lotr lit, co-op: biology, random

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