whew. I just did some research homework for psychology. If the topic interests you at all, there are some cool articles at the American Psychological Association
website. The instructor seems very nice, and she replied to my email pretty much immediately. So other than a lot of reading, this course looks like fun. :)
It's annoying me that my desk still isn't clean. I have a pile of junk that I can't get rid of, but it doesn't really have a place, either. And the cliche of telephone numbers written on napkins? I have a napkin from months and months ago with a guy's number on it that I just can't bring myself to get rid of. I don't really have a traditional address book, and I don't want to enter the number into my phone's contacts list, but I don't want to lose the number either; this guy could possibly get me a internship at a theatre if I asked him. >.< Also in this pile of crap are a few not-even-sticky-anymore PostIt notes with semi-important information on them. And then there's entire sheets of paper with random notes and scribbles. I just don't know what to do with this stuff!!!
Ooookay, so that's about it for me. Happy Easter, if you celebrate it, and I'll post again when I get back from Spokane.