First day of class. yay! For the one "class" I have on-campus, I have the same instructor as my last quarter's scriptwriting class, and since he was my FAVORITE EVER, this is a Very Good Thing. The class is: Media & Messages, and he's gonna talk about things like how colour schemes affect emotion and stuff like that. Today, he talked about violence and censorship, so that was interesting. An interesting note that I kinda already knew: in the US, it's pretty much okay to show violence, but NO SEX WHATSOEVER, whereas in the UK, you can show sex, only no (or less) violence. >.<
My other two classes are both online, which is both good and bad. Today, I tried to go online to check everything out and get assignments, but there was a problem. A couple of Vista's servers are down, so NOBODY has access to the online classes. >.< This is what my tech-support email said:
Instructors are getting updates every few hours via the faculty list serve we have for them. Everyone is in the same situation, and the suggestion from my office staff is to "read chapter 1 and then try again later tonight or tomorrow."
LOL, good advice, techies. *giggles* Hopefully everything will be working tomorrow. >.<
My last class starts tomorrow; the Movie Making class, where we'll be making a movie from start to finish, using a script written by a girl in my script class (who also happens to be in this Media & Messages class). Dunno how that's gonna work out. Annoying Old Guy from last quarter's classes is apparently going to take this class, so that'll be a nightmare. Oh, and Annoying Superman Guy is in Media & Messages. OH FUN. I asked him about his grades from the last class (because I didn't really rate him very high on the peer review), and he said he hasn't even checked yet! I was very "wtf!?" because when your grades come out, you go check them ASAP, right? I certainly do. >.<
Biology is still teh suckage, so nothing new to report there. Other than class has been moved from Friday to Wednesday this week, because I'm gonna be gone on Friday. And Sat and Sun. Somewhere in that time, I'm going to take some kind of tour of WSU, which means I need to do a little tiny bit of research on their media/english program before I go. >.<
And I just realized I ended every paragraph with a ">.<" LOL and now it looks like it has ears. O.o
Also, I haven't replied to comments yet. I'm sorry! I'll be dealing with some email/comments shortly...
eta: oh, Billy,
PLEASE DO THIS this year. thank you. *diez* LOL
ps: nsfw, btw.