RunAway poll

Mar 16, 2007 01:30

And speaking of RunAway: for those of you on my f-list that read the fic, or just lurkers or whatever, I have a poll for you.

The info:

In my outline, I have it written out that two major events have to happen in this next chapter. So far, I've written only one of these events, which equals about half the chapter. Now, I can either post this as it is and leave this other event for a second chapter (meaning: you get the chapter very soon, but only half of it according to my plan), OR, I can keep working on this chapter until it's finished to my outline's standards (meaning: more waiting. sorry. >.<).

Another thing to consider: if I post this half-chapter now, I will probably not write a mostly-unnecessary chapter at the end. 1) because it honestly doesn't further the story much at all, 2) because I have no idea how to approach it, and 3) because it would probably put me over 60 chapters, and yes, I really am that neruotic. Even numbers are the best, people.

Poll RunAway poll

please please please give me your opinions and input. seriously. also, feel free to ask any questions and for clarification or whatever. or just comment. because I love comments like I love all of you. ♥

poll, posting, writing, series: runaway

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