post of randomosity

Mar 10, 2007 21:31

okay, where to start?

first, if you haven't been paying attention over at beizy's journal, DO, because there's a lot of fangirling going on and it's just awesome.

second, fic. I just posted some Monaboyd PWP, so that was nice. I really can't wait to see fics from the ORC girls though, because they were actually there. I've spent like, nearly the whole day bouncing around in my chair and capslock-chatting with bloodrayveness, which was a ton of fun. and that's when I wrote the fic. lol

As to RunAway, I haven't worked on it in a few days, and the next chapter's about half-finished. But this week is finals week for me, and then spring break after that, so I can use that time to get all caught up. Hopefully I'll have this chapter finished (no real reason why I shouldn't) by Tuesday.

I feel kinda like I'm descending back into my lurker ways, because I haven't been posting or commenting, really, but I have been reading everything. actually, I just kinda suck at commenting all around. sorry. just haven't felt like talking to much of anyone lately.

oh, the other day during my group's film shoot, over lunch we were discussing Lost, and LeaderGirl said "I'd give anything to be a part of that show." and then she said that her friend had a friend that's a lawyer for the show, and so, this friend knew about "that couple that's dating. The hobbit guy and the lead actress." LOL But yay for fellow fangirling of Lost. I can't even get into how many things went wrong during the shoot, though. I'll save that for another post. I think nearly every piece of equipment we had broke at some point. that's just pitiful.

umm... had to write two essays today which are due Monday. >.< they both kinda suck, and one's basically just me gushing about LotR (the books, not the movies/actors). also for Monday - I have to pitch my script to the class. which is gonna suck, because I don't like public speaking at all, but it shouldn't really be too hard. filming is done for both video classes, so Monday and Tuesday should both be free of most stress. except now I've just remembered I have a final on Tuesday. shit. anyway, I'm not even sure if I'm going to class on Wed; it depends on if we finish or not on Mon. then, (I think) there's another week set aside for finals, because all my classes did theirs early, and after that is spring break, so hopefully two weeks of break time? *hopes*

also, why the hell did I sign up for 20 credits? what am I, insane?

I'm sure there was more I wanted to say, but I honestly can't remember most of it now.

here's one thing, though; for recs: it's not got a lot on there yet, but I'm working on going through my favorites folders.

also - yay for everybody! sounds like a few people are getting to see friends, a few people have gone away to ORC (jealous, omg!), and a few more people are just happy.

dominic monaghan, recs, tv: lost, class: comm 260, class: comm 216, love, random, billy boyd, school, writing, class: video 112

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