a writing to-do list

Mar 04, 2007 16:08

School stuff first (though god knows these won't actually be completed first...)
  • essay for that weekend class
  • book report for that weekend class
  • poem for LotR Lit
  • story for LotR Lit
and now the fun stuff.

  • RunAway - it's nearing the end; I can't fall apart now!
  • Escaping Blame (and the sequel/prequel) - an AU where Dom and Billy are thieves and a heist goes bad
  • Winding Road - an angsty, angry, road trip-type fic that I started for bloodrayveness
  • another epic AU that doesn't have a title - thieves again, only a different plot this time
  • Sean B/Dominic fic for angiepen at the_challenger
  • Ian/Dom, Billy/Dom fic with not much of a plot yet. I might just abandon it. >.<
  • The Fellowship - a terrible plot and horribly written; I think I'm just going to abandon it. But I do like the idea; a raving lunatic is going after Elijah and the fellowship has to protect him.
  • ETA: and now bloodrayveness has given me new inspiration. a fic in which Billy and Ali's son, Jack, and Dom and Evi's fictional son (who still has no name at the moment) fall in love and... yeah. Raquel is evil, obviously. LOL

things I want to write but haven't started
  • Monaboyd/Saturday Night Live - no idea for a plot, but it just has to be done, yeah? "slight AU where Dom with special guest Billy host SNL. WITH BEECAKE AS THE BAND"
  • a Monaboyd sequel to Revenge
  • possibly a sequel to Free, but I'm not sure yet
  • modern-Titanic Monaboyd
  • random drabbles - the boys at a dance club, possibly an AU; Dom joins the mile-high club; other random porn

things I'm just going to abandon. even the titles might explain why. *facepalm*
  • The Fellowship, mentioned above
  • Freaky Friday - so incredibly stupid; Billy and Dom switch bodies.
  • Trivia - where Dom proves his commitment by reading the encyclopedia.
  • Occupy Your Mind - stupid title, but the idea isn't as bad as I first thought. Billy says a quote from a past performance and Dom can't stop thinking about it; he tries to figure out what it means and if Billy meant it for him. I don't remember now if I was actually going for some kind of supernatural mind-reading thing or if it was just the effect Billy's quote had on Dom. I don't remember where I was going with this fic at all. >.<
  • another untitled Ian/Dom thing - no idea where I was going with it, and what I already wrote isn't enough to get me back into it.
  • Charlie/Liam - if the Losties were ever rescued, what would Charlie come home to?
  • Perfection - Monaboyd, Orlijah - a robot-fic, if you would believe it. Orlando and Elijah are "perfect" machines. Billy's a technician, Dom's a flawed robot. Three guesses which bot Billy picks.
  • a Stepford Wives kind of idea - Dom's being annoying, Billy calls him on it, and Dom tries to change. incredibly sappy.

First priority is RunAway, and then Escaping Blame and Winding Road, because I like them the best.

class: hd 173, to do list, writing, co-op: lotr lit

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