
Feb 23, 2007 23:55

what a long day. I'm about to fall asleep, really.

1) regularly scheduled co-op, and a biology test that I think I did reasonably well on. last week's test was horrible, though. also, I'm FINALLY caught up in LotR. *\o/* just finished TTT, and now we're doing a unit study on Fantasy and Poetry before picking up again with RotK. oh, I should post my little Gollum story...

2) first day of the weekend Career Counceling class. tons of fun, but loooong. there was one girl sitting next to me and we were talking about... something. I don't even remember. anyway, somehow the subject got around to her nephew, who's like, five or something. anyway, she said he goes around and paints people's nails and does their hair and picks out their clothes, and she said that the whole family is just waiting to see if he's gay or just metrosexual. LOL! also, she reads fanfiction, which is a plus! I don't know if she reads slash or not, but with her attitude about her nephew, I bet she does. annnnd, there was this other girl who wants to be a politician, and she's really cute and really easy to talk to, so we chatted for a while in our little group. tomorrow we're going to actually analyze our Meyers-Briggs test results and research careers. but through the stuff we did today, apparently writing is like, my biggest passion ever. lol! another one of my passions is Dom. seriously. the instructor had this little list of criteria, and as I was thinking about it, I realized that I: spend a lot of time doing Dom-related activities (reading fanfic and articles, writing, drawing, looking at pics, watching lotr/lost), I get inspired by him, I get motivated by him (like you wouldn't believe), and... some other stuff on the list that I can't remember now. well, there's certainly worse things to be passionate about. *g*

side note: I didn't post RunAway yesterday (well now it's past midnight for me, so the day before yesterday, Thursday), because the chapter's only half-finished. but I'm working on it, I really am!

tomorrow/today: second day of weekend class - allll day long. then, after that's finished, I go straight to the theatre to re-shoot the play, because the actors all flubbed their lines last week.

also: Regional Vex Tournament in GA! root for... oh hell, I don't know the team name/number. root for Tony's team! LOL *wishes them good luck*

dominic monaghan, co-op: biology, school, class: hd 173, posting, rl, writing, co-op: lotr lit

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