explaining some things

Feb 06, 2007 16:49

First off, my professor is indeed dead. :( Apparently he had a chronic heart condition, and he turned out to be older than I first thought. So now a new instructor is taking over that class, but I'm not sure what's happening with the future classes I was planning to take from him. I'm currently debating going to the memorial thing on Thursday.... I only knew him for about five weeks, while most of the other people in the class had taken classes from him before. Also, I don't think I'd do well at something like that. >.< When I first heard about it, I half expected him to just jump out and say "just kidding!" because that's the type of guy he was. :(

In the class, though, things are moving on as scheduled (though we might push our project deadline back a bit, which will be nice). The people in my group are cool and very nice (except for one, who's probably too nice and very very extremely annoying), and I'm co-writing and co-directing with the same guy (who's actually kind of cute *g*).

Also, in my other class, the script one, the prof (a long-time friend of the other prof) decided not to have a mid-term for two reasons. !) it was incredibly stupid. 2) his best friend just died and he didn't want to deal with it. aww. but yay, no exam! He also blew up at super-annoying-dude, which was nice to see, and then he apologised afterward and (amazingly) super-annoying-dude did as well.

Dunno what exactly I'll be doing in class tonight, but I can expect it will be boring. >.

school, class: comm 260, class: comm 216, rl, class: video 112

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