the character questionnaire

Jan 17, 2007 18:45

Here's the character quiz. I cut out a lot of the boring stuff (noted by the strikethroughs) and fixed up the html, because it really sucked when I found this online.

Character Questionnaire
by Nick Malysz

When writing a character it is always helpful to ask yourself questions about him/her. Coming up with answers to those questions helps shape the person you are creating into a more three dimensional being. I combined a list of helpful questions on this page. Sources for much of the information are the following books: Writing the Character-Centered Screenplay by Andrew Horton, The Art of Dramatic Writing by Lajos Egri, and The Book of Questions by Gregory Stock, Ph.D.

Basic Attributes

* Given Name: Nicholas Williams

more general appearance stuff


Brief Life Story

It is very important to write a biography for your character. The more detail you create, the deeper you can make your character, and this rich history will be such a rich source of information that it will change and evolve your story accordingly.

Make sure to keep in mind:

- How did your character get here from there?
Sean found Nick, trained him, and traveled with him

- What was their life like before the story began?
Poor, but he’s a good pickpocket and shoplifter

- What was growing up like for them?
Nick traveled often, trying to stay ahead of the law

- Did they have a good or bad childhood?
Stayed in foster homes briefly, but ran away each time

- What struggles have that had, or hardships they have overcome?
No family, no means of making money other than petty crime

- Has their life worked out like they expected?
No, although Nick believes he’s doing well for himself now

- Has their life been difficult or easy until now?
Difficult until Sean found him

- Were they forced into their current path, or are they here by choice?
Nick sees it as a choice, Sean as forced, but in reality, Nick was forced into his career by the choices he made when he didn’t know better

- Do they have regrets?
Yes - Nick often feels guilty for stealing from people and hurting people (which only happens rarely, as he's a generally nice person)

- What special circumstances have made them into who they are today?
Sean’s gentle, fatherly guidance helped Nick

- Did anything happen in their past that they cannot forget or live down, or that has deeply changed them or scarred them in some way?
The death of his parents affected Nick deeply; he gets angry at Sean sometimes for smoking, although he doesn’t remember why (his father smoked cigars), and he uses anger as a defense against his fear of being abandoned again (by Sean)


* Outer Goal (physical):
to complete one last heist before retiring as a criminal, prove himself to Sean, and live off the rewards

* Inner Goal (psychological/emotional):
to discover himself, to realize his own identity

some more stuff here

* Defining characteristic:
that he doesn’t know his own characteristics. He’s like a chameleon

* Hopes/desires:
to win Sean’s approval

* Fears/phobias:

* Dirty Secrets:
he almost killed a man once, but couldn’t do it at the last moment. He’s never told anyone, not even Sean.

* Introvert or extrovert?:
unknown to him; extrovert with introversive qualities.

* More thinking or feeling?:
feeling, though he tends to analyze his feelings incessantly but often can’t understand his findings.

* What do you see is the biggest contradiction(s) your character lives out?:

* Tends to be self centered? Selfish? Selfless?:
he’s a thief for selfish, material reasons, but he doesn’t often think about himself, he’s not an egomaniac. Hence the finding out about himself.

* Favorite and hated foods/drinks:
unknown to him; he loves chocolate and cookies with milk

* Education or important learning experiences:
Nick is pretty well-read and street savvy, but most of his actual education was handled by Sean, who only really taught him about conning and thieving.

* Most hated activities:
washing dishes. Nick is a slightly germophobic, in that he doesn’t like to touch things if he doesn’t have to, but will if he needs to.

* Most enjoyed activities:
unknown to him; drawing and painting

* Deepest secret or wildest fantasy:
he doesn’t know (besides the "almost killing a man" secret)

* Sense (or lack!) of humor: what makes your character laugh?:
Nick has a great sense of humor, and finds the humor in a lot of situations, but he dampens it for the ‘characters’ he plays

* Who is your character's hero, or who do they admire or emulate?
Nick looks up to Sean, who he sees as a type of father-figure

Philosophy & Morality

* Attitudes toward

- self:
curious and detached

- others:
manipulative but regretful

- friendship:
loyal at all costs and agreeable

- sex:
a means to an end

- love:
a fairy tale

- family:
anger rooted in fear of abandonment

- marriage:
highly unlikely

- country:
not loyal to any country in particular

- the world:
an oyster

- religion:
he doesn’t like to think about it, because he knows that in any religion’s eyes, he would be sent straight to hell

more boring stuff and stuff I didn't answer

* Catchphrase that defines their worldview? (examples: "What goes around comes around." "Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse." etc.):
The world is his oyster.

Life & Lifestyle

* Closest friend(s):

* Job/career/occupation: professional thief
- Attitude towards job: he’s good at it, and not adverse to it

* Noted accomplishments: a fantastic pickpocket and lock-pick
- Famous/infamous?: he’s known vaguely in the business, but he’s not notorious

* Clubs/organizations belonged to:

* Favorite music or group/favorite TV shows or films:
unknown to him;

* Hobbies:
unknown to him;

Food for Thought

* How would your character react to:

- Inheriting $1 million:

- The death of a loved one:
sad and angry

- A natural disaster: hurricane/earthquake, etc.:
scared, but masked by a tough-guy attitude

- Being fired:
angry (he’s put his life on the line too many times to be undervalued), betrayed

- Meeting an old friend or enemy not seen for years:
skittish, nervous

- Having or raising children:
he believes he wouldn’t be good at it

- Being raped/mugged/violated in some way:
angry, despondent, disheartened, feeling of worthlessness

- An unexpected kindness or compliment:
flattered, extremely happy, but masked by a nonchalant attitude

- A serious illness such as AIDS or cancer:
angry (sensing a pattern?), in denial

- A flat tire on the expressway:
angry, but he would soon see the situation as hilarious somehow

- An interracial relationship:

- Five minutes on local or national TV:
a risk

From The Book of Questions

A further source of great questions to ask your characters is the brilliant work The Book of Questions. This is filled with juicy and thought-provoking questions that explore personal philosophy, morality, politics, knee-jerk reactions, secret fantasies, wishes, and much more. It's also a great party activity to sit around with your friends and pass the book around as you each take turns selecting questions for all to answer.

A. If your character were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would they most regret not having told someone? Why haven't they told them yet?

Nick would most regret not telling any of his friends his true identity. Sean is the only one who knows him well at all, but even Sean (even Nick himself), doesn’t know the depth of his feelings and emotions.

B. Would your character accept $1,000,000 to leave the county and never set foot in it again?

Hell yes, no question.

C. Your character is given the power to kill people simply by thinking of their deaths and twice repeating the word "good-bye." People would die a natural death and no one would suspect them. Are there any situations in which they would use this power? [If they can imagine themselves killing someone indirectly, could they still see doing it if they had to look into the person's eyes and stab the person to death? Have they ever genuinely wanted to kill someone or wished them dead?]

Nick has wanted to kill people before (people who are after him or try to steal from him; an ironic position for a thief), but he knows he wouldn’t be able to handle death up close and personally.

D. What would constitute a "perfect" evening for your character?

Out on a heist with Sean, Sean would give him clearance to continue alone, and after being successful, Sean would praise him.

E. Would your character rather be extremely successful professionally and have a tolerable yet unexciting private life, or have an extremely happy private life and only a tolerable and uninspiring professional life? [Since so many people place great emphasis on a happy private life, why do people often wind up putting more energy into their professional lives? If you feel that their private life is more important to your character, do their priorities support this? Are they simply unwilling to admit that work is more important? Do they use work as a substitute? Do they hope professional success will somehow magically lead to personal happiness?]

As of this story, Nick’s private life is non-existent; he lives for his job, living his alias’ private lives, which do nothing for him. He wants to have a private life period.

F. If your character could wake up tomorrow having gained any one ability or quality, what would it be?

To understand and know his own feelings without just blindly accepting them.

G. Your character has the chance to meet someone with whom they can have the most satisfying love imaginable - the stuff of dreams. Sadly, they know that in six months the person will die. Knowing that pain that would follow, would they still want to meet that person and fall in love? What if they knew their lover would not die, but instead would betray them? [In love, is intensity or permanence more important to them? How much do they expect from someone who loves them? What would make them feel betrayed by their mate - indifference? Dishonesty? Infidelity?

Nick would rather not meet the person at all; he doesn’t want a moment of happiness for a lifetime of misery. He believes he’s experienced that with his parents. If he found true love, he would value loyalty, but not necessarily honesty. He wants to be loved, but the details don’t have to be perfect, as long as it’s there.

H. Does your character prefer being around men or women? Do their closest friends tend to be men or women?

His closest (and only) friends are men, because he doesn’t know how to act around women. He does con women, though, and can be quite charming if he’s immersed in his character.

I. Would your character be willing to murder an innocent person if it would end hunger in the world? [Would it torment them more to have the blood of an innocent person on their hands or to know they let millions of people die? What do they think of people who achieve great things by compromising their principles? Many are will to give their own lives but not to take the life of another; is anything so important they would sacrifice their very soul for it?]

Nick has very few morals; he would not see too much wrong with people who’ve achieved things by less-than-pure means. However, he would not be able to deal with murdering someone personally. Perhaps if someone else did the actual job, he wouldn’t mind so much.

J. What is their most treasured memory?

Eating melting ice cream cones in a sunny park with his father. It’s one of the only things he can remember clearly about his parents.

K. If your character knew there would be a nuclear war in one week, what would they do?

He would make arrangements for his own and Sean’s safety.

L. What is the greatest accomplishment of your character's life? Is there anything they hope to do that is even better?


M. One would be the one material item your character would save during a fire?

A photo of his mother and father.

N. Your character is offered $1,000,000 for the following act: before them are ten pistols - only one of which is loaded. They must pick up one of the pistols, point it at their forehead, and pull the trigger. If they can walk away they do so a millionaire. Would they accept the risk?

Yes. This would be one of the instances where Nick would trust his feelings without question. He would think about the offer, agree, then pick up whichever gun ‘feels’ right to him and trust that feeling.

O. If your character could choose the manner of their death, what would it be? [Would they die a hero's death, die a martyr to some great cause, die in a natural catastrophe, or die peacefully? Why is it so tempting to have death catch us in our sleep?]

Nick would want to die a quick death, like a shot to the head or decapitation, because he doesn’t want to suffer for a long time.

P. For what in your character's life do they feel most grateful?

Sean’s guidance and friendship.

Q. How forgiving is your character?

Nick is quite forgiving, because he wants people to forgive him.

R. When your character tells a story, do they often exaggerate or embellish it? If so, why?

If he’s giving a report, Nick sticks to the straight facts, no bias, because any deviation from the truth could mean life-or-death for him or Sean. If he’s just telling a story for the sake of it, he would embellish in an effort to impress Sean. He can be very professional about his work, but he wants Sean to like him.

S. How much does your character feel in control of the course of their life?

He feels in control of most outside situations, but when his enemies come after him, he wishes he had more control. He does not usually feel in control of his inner self - feelings and emotions; while under tight control, don’t mean much to him.

T. Is it easy for your character to ask for help when they need it? Will they ask for help?

It’s hard for Nick to ask for help initially, but once Sean gives him help, Nick clings to it and fears letting go.

U. Would your character like to be famous? In what way?

Nick would prefer to remain anonymous, and his lifestyle benefits that.

V. What are your character's most compulsive habits? Do they regularly struggle to break those habits?

Nick likes to wash the germs off his hands after he’s touched something especially disgusting, but he doesn’t try to stop that. He has no real compulsive habits; it’s one of the things he wishes he had - it would give him more of a personality.

W. What does your character strive for most in their life: accomplishment, security, love, power, excitement, knowledge, or something else?

He strives for knowledge of himself, and Sean’s (paternal) love and pride.

X. How easily embarrassed is your character?

Nick is not easily embarrassed, because he acts as his ‘character’ should, not as he himself would, and if he must do something humiliating, he gets into the headspace that it’s not him, it’s just the character. That’s what he would like to change.

Y. Does the fact that your character has never done something before increase or decrease its appeal to them?

It decreases it’s appeal, because Nick doesn’t like change and is more comfortable in situations he’s familiar with.

Z. How many different sexual partners has your character had in their life? Would they prefer to have had more or fewer?

He’s very free with his body and his affections, but has never had a girlfriend for pleasure’s sake; it’s always part of the job. He feels relatively indifferent towards either sex.

There were some other character building exersizes and questionnaires that I found, but this is one of the best ones that I saw. If anyone wants the full version (I didn't cut out that much, but there is more), just leave a comment or something.

school, class: comm 216, writing, fic

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