Dear Yuletide Author

Nov 20, 2011 15:16

Dear Yuletide Author,

Thank you for signing up and being willing to write a stranger on the internet a story!
I honestly have no firm likes or dislikes when it comes to this. Just know that I will enjoy anything you do, so please have fun.

Don't feel obliged to write anything along what I might say; these are just thoughts I've had. Go with whatever inspires you.

I first read Deerskin many years ago, and I reread it every so often and am struck anew with how much of a survivor Lissar is. I always feel like the ending comes too soon. It's a happy ending, but I'd enjoy reading just a little more about her happiness. I think she deserves it. I'm also interested in her life after the dramatic revelation. How does she handle going from sleeping in the stables to wearing shoes everyday? Does she wear shoes at all? I have these questions at the end each time.

I read Mastiff less than a month ago, and I'm still processing it, really. I love how Beka's confidence has grown and how good she is at her job. How much she feels for people less fortunate than she and how she makes time to be kind, no matter how tough or rocky her quest. I even liked Farmer, which was a surprise considering I was still holding out for a Beka/Rosto makeout scene at the very least. I was less impressed with the pacing of the novel, the dead fiance, and the reasons given for the traitor among Beka's team. And I missed seeing Beka at work in Corus, dealing with the crooks she loves and the crooks she locks away. I'm still intrigued by her strained familial relationships and the family she made all on her own.

If you are feeling a bit at a loss with the above two requests, Hanna is a less than two-hour ride about a teenage girl out on an assassination/revenge mission, seeing the world for the first time. Along the way she hears music for the first time, almost kisses a boy (and then promptly knocks him flat) , and makes her first friend. The girl she befriends, Sophie, is later picked up with her family by the villains of the film, who ask where Hanna has gone. The movie doesn't make it clear if they survived, but I hope they did. I'd love to know how Hanna is doing after the end. What is she doing now? Does she look for Sophie's family? (Honestly in my heart of hearts, I want Hanna and Sophie to be the best of penpals, or something like.) Is Hanna using her survival skills to build herself a treehouse in the wilds of suburban Munich? If you can't tell, I just want to know more, no matter what that might be.

It looks like the theme of all my requests is slice-of-life with a side of happy. But no matter what you decide to write, you are completely fulfilling my desire for "more!"

Thank you, Yuletide Author, this stranger appreciates your time.

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yuletide 2011

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