(no subject)

Jan 12, 2006 08:23

Wow just wow I was trying to think of something to do this morning when I decided to check out a few "tobbaco" pipes when I came across this and it pissed me off so bad that I shall post it so you can see where all that tax money ends up

Posted by CN Staff on January 23, 2003 at 13:52:30 PT
By Wendy Melillo
Source: Ad Week

The White House will break two spots in the Super Bowl this weekend, and two during the event's pregame, the Office of National Drug Control Policy said. Two spots, by Ogilvy & Mather, New York, continue the drugs and terror theme ONDCP launched during last year's Super Bowl. Two other spots feature new work by McCann-Erickson, New York, which focus on the bad things that can happen after smoking marijuana.
"One negative consequence of marijuana is it impairs your judgment," said Alan Levitt, director of ONDCP's campaign. "Another is it slows your reaction time."

In the Ogilvy work, called "Ghosts," people who once bought drugs are haunted by phantoms who were innocent victims of violence in the drug trade. In the 30-second spot "Subway," a man riding on the New York subway late at night is approached by ghosts who say, "You killed us." "What?" the startled man replies. "I was on my way home riding my bike," a ghost says. "You beat me to death." "You slit my throat," another ghost says. "It was your money."

The second Ogilvy spot, called "Office," features a similar theme where ghosts approach a woman seated in her office.

Meanwhile, the McCann work, done through the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, kicks off a new marijuana campaign that will air until June. The campaign includes five 30-second television spots, two radio spots and three print ads. One spot, "Pregnancy Test," will air during the Super Bowl and a second, "Roadside Memorial," during the pregame.

In "Pregnancy Test," two parents learn the results of a home pregnancy test. Words on the screen tell viewers the parents will be the "youngest grandparents in town" as the camera shifts to their 14-year-old daughter who had taken the test. "Smoking marijuana impairs your judgement," the voiceover says. "It's more harmful than we all thought."

"Roadside Memorial" shows a grieving teenager putting flowers at a roadside memorial. Viewers then learn that the teen was the stoned driver who killed his brother.

A third spot called "Dummies" breaks next Monday and features two crash dummies sharing a joint just before their car crashes into a wall. The McCann work will air on WB, Fox and UPN.

Source: Ad Week
Author: Wendy Melillo
Published: January 23, 2003
Copyright: 2003 VNU eMedia

ok now first of all were these people high when they made these, I mean come on ghost saying you killed them cause you paid for weed, money is the root of all evil even if you didn't buy the weed there is no gaurantee that you didn't give it to someone who did so honestly they have no point on that and also they say it impares judgement fuck that if anything marijauna has kept me out of jail it relaxes me so I can slow down and think clearly and when I say slow down my reaction time is just fine I have never had a problem keeping up with a sober person while I'm baked off my ass these are just my personal experiences but I think I speak for everyone when I say legalize if you don't like it don't fucking smoke also I bet this never crossed their mind if you make pot legal then your putting hundreds of thousands of dealers out of a job and forcing them to quit mooching off the people who need that little relaxing bowl after a bad day it keeps more money in all of our pockets they say that it's a war on drugs cause they cause so many problems look at amsterdam no not the cleanest place on earth but quite possibly one of the happiest and I mean it's not like crack or anything they consider all drugs to be the same yet they don't think of how many more problems surround drinking and I know more people who drink and do stupid shit like drive when they can't even walk straight I mean come on now use common sense if you can't make it to your car within a reasonable amount of time or you have trouble just getting five steps then your body might be trying to tell you "hey dumb fuck don't drive" like seriously ask yourself how many people on the news do you hear about driving drunk its an everyday thing now think how many do you hear real stories about not the anti drug commercials but like on the actual news do you ever hear about someone smoking pot and doing something stupid and I'm talking like actually killing someone cause honestly I don't think I've ever hear on the news "well he was driving stoned on his way to dunkin doughnuts when he saw a cop car got scared and tried to run right before he a little girl on her bike" you never hear that it's all the same thing except for one major difference drunk and stoned two completely different experiences and being me have done both and quite a few more some of which I'm not too proud of but before you start going around saying how bad something is for you cause you heard it from someone else fucking try it gaurantee you'll find not a damn thing wrong with it I'm not saying everyone should have to smoke I'm just saying before running your mouth about how bad of a person I am for wanting to make pot legal try it before you give me any shit about it and I don't want this to get into a religeous argument cause honestly I'm agnostic if you don't know what it is fucking look it up and you'll realize that it's not that I don't belive in god I just have a different oppinion now this is relavent to the pot thing cause everyone says well it's not right cause god dosen't want you to put foreign substances in your body well lets see man made beer now supposedly god put all living things on this earth including humans bunnies platypus's and oh yeah weeeeeeeeed it's a plant but still a living thing and anyone who thinks that you shouldn't kill living things well you eat don't you gotta kill a lot of cows chickens fish I mean the list is endless and it may be asking alot to legalize weed anywhere near the state of Ga I mean shit I'd be happy just to be able to go to waffle house and have a waffle a coke and a cigarette without having to be segregated out to the cold a lot of people ask me why don't I just quit smoking well why don't you stop breathing ok now I'm just getting straight pissed off I gotta quit typing before I explode just think about some of these points and give me some feedback if you can think of any reason to not legalize it please comment I'd love to get some other points of veiw
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