Final Reading Update

Dec 31, 2009 17:20

The list so far, of books I've read this year:

The Origins of Financial Crises
The Panic of 1907
President Nixon: Alone in the White House
Chain Reaction: The Impact of Race, Rights, and Taxes on American Politics
Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant
Chasing the Flame
A Problem From Hell
In Defense of Food
Infinite Jest
The Healing of America
True Compass (Edward M. Kennedy's memoir)

I'm still working my way through Jean Edward Smith's biography of U.S. Grant.  I've got about 50 pages left in this guy; but I won't make it before New Years Eve.  Bummer.  I've also got A History of Western Philosophy going perpetually.

I started reading, but didn't yet finish:
2666 by Roberto Bolano
Sick by John Cohn.

EDIT:  I added Grant to the list.  I finished it on New Years Day, and it turns out I only had about 20 pages to go when the clock struck midnight.  Not fair to have it on the 2010 list, since I did 90% of the reading in 2009.
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