Suck. ~or~ Old people shouldn't drive either.

Sep 26, 2006 22:02

Interesting day today.
I'd go so far as to say "bad" but really, it wasn't.
I haven't lost any body parts, nor have any friends called to tell me to fuck off.
It was just a bit hectic, really.
it was Inspection Day at Pizza Hut, so naturally everyone was in a bit of a tizzy trying to clean and set things right.
Fortunately, my manager runs a clean ship, so we really didn't have too much to clean. It was mostly just last-minute little stuff.
But that made things a bit tense.
Add to that a rather busy day, customer-wise. Odd for a Tuesday, really.
On top of that...
And I felt so bad for the guy...
An old gent came in and ordered breadsticks.
But he didn't want normal breadstick sauce, no. He wanted the kind of sauce we put on the Full House (formerly Big New Yorker.) So, okay, I went and did that for him.
Oh, but excuse me miss, he would like a handful of hamburger, slightly warmed, for his little dog.
Yeah, whatever.

Eventually, he gets his stuff, pays, and goes.
On his way out, he backs into the building.
Then drives off.
Apparently, he didn't notice.
So. Mr. Sue The World Customer Guy provided me with his lisence plate number, the make, modle, and colour of his car, what the man was wearing, etc.
I tell the manager lady, and she, in turn, phones the police.
Our building is dented and a window broken. (Cracked, really. Not shattered.)
On inspection day.

Police come by, ask a few questions, go away.
Dude who hit the building came back.
Stormed into the store.
Marched right up to me.
"You told the police that I backed into your building!"

Thank God for managers.
Mine happened to intervene with a very politely put "You did!"
She proceeded to go out and show him not only the damaged section of the building, but the paint on his car from the building.


Okay, I was wrong. A friend of mine just popped online for the express purpose of telling me to fuck off, then left before I could even try to ask why.
At least I didn't sever a bodypart.
Like, say, my trachea.
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