I've always been proud of my Halloween strips. It always gave me a chance to come up with new ways to top myself over last years strip. It’s a shame I have to put in text and cover up some of the things I worked on in the backgrounds, but thankfully I saved a text less version for all to see.
This year I’ll be staying home again to hand out treats for the kids. Doing this takes me back to my younger days, when my friends and I would go out trick or treating… and almost get pelted by rotten eggs and TP. This year might be a challenge though. We got over 100 kids last year, and didn’t have anything to give to the later ones. It made me feel kinda bad for having them make the trip so late into the night and end up with nothing. So this year we plan on having just enough. Also, out of generosity, I’ve decided to do a little extra something for the kids. Every 10th kid will get an extra treat of candy. Not an extra bag of candy, but a pack of 8 snickers or so. I know it seems a little much, but I’m just doing it for the hell of it.