My threesixty!

Nov 25, 2005 23:11

Well It’s been a hectic week. Probably a hectic 6 months. But I managed to get through it all in one piece. And I emerged victorious! Most people would say that there’s no big deal in what I did, but that’s where id have to disagree. I worked hard to do what I this, and by dammit, I’ll make them think twice before they say what I did wasn’t a big deal. Here is my nerdy story... from the beginning....

E3 came around and showed us the Xbox 360. A marvel that would usher in a new generation of game consoles. Probably the best, probably the worst. Either way, I wanted one. Soon after I reserved a unit for myself and that was it.

A while passes and it’s my brothers birthday. My other brother, E.J., and I are driving over to his house in New York, and we are discussing what we’re going to be getting the middle boy. As we continue to discus, I look at the EGM I’m reading in the car. The front cover has a picture of the Xbox 360, and my eyes light up. An Idea had developed in my walnut sized brain. “ Let’s get Him A 360! “ E.J. looks at me for a moment and puts on an impressed look and says “That’s not a bad idea.” When we get to his house we discuss it with him and he’s a little reluctant at first, saying that’s too expensive a gift to get. But I ignore his words say that “I’m going to getting it for you anyway and that’s that.” Chris didn’t like the idea a lot of money being spent on him like that, but he was later convinced that it wouldn’t be a bad gift idea so he went along with it. Later I reserved another system for my brother and that was it.... or so I thought...

A couple months pass and I get a call from Babbage’s, the Video Game Store I go to get most of my games. They tell me that I cant have 2 Xbox 360's on reserve. I’m shocked. I’m one of the best customers they have, and am starting to feel a little betrayed, so I ask why. The manager tells me that UPS doesn’t want them to sell me another one. They say that UPS thinks that I going to take the second System and sell it on EBAY or something. At this point I feel a little relieved, knowing that the guys there didn’t care what I did with the unit, and that it was UPS who did. But I still couldn’t get another console. However, the guys at Babbage’s said that they’d put the other 360 on another name so that Id still get it. I’m relieved a little more now, that I’ll still be getting a 360 for my brother, however, because of UPS’s meddling, the name change caused by brother’s system to get pushed back to being releasing in January, missing the initial launch’s November 22 release. I am upset...

As times gone by, my brother was getting a little mad. He thought it was stupid the way his 360 was pushed back to January. Chris was really looking foreword to getting a 360 on launch day. It kinda made me feel bad that he had to wait. Just then, an idea popped in my noggin. I had heard that some stores weren’t taking pre orders for the new Xbox, and that they would do this first come, first serve deal instead. Though I knew the idea would be frowned upon, I told him anyway. “I’m gonna camp out at one of the stores and get you a 360 on launch day.” As I expected, Chris said no. Though I didn’t blame him. He didn’t want me to spend the night in front of the store, catching a cold. But I insisted in doing this. I didn’t want my brother to feel left out on not having a system. He didn’t play many games anyway, all he had was a crappy old playstaion 2, and I didn’t want him to suffer, having that heap of shit for 2 more months. Even though he protested to me camping out, I made my mind up.


The day before, I was bed ridden. I was sick. Really sick, grey flem sick... However this flu wasn’t going to stop me from keeping my promise. I decided that I was going to finish work early and then head to Wal-Mart. I heard they were going to have a midnight sale so I headed there. I could have taken the day off, but I didn’t want the guys at work to do my floor. When I got there, I was taken by surprise. The teachers were still in their class rooms. I was puzzled but I ignored it. There was a system to be got, and I was gonna get it! I started rushing through my job. Quickly throwing trash away, and running to sweep the floors. Then something happens. Parents start showing up! There was going to be a Parent Teacher conference in the school that Night And I wasn’t told a thing! In every room! This made in harder for me to get my job done, what with all the parents hanging around the hallways. But that didn’t stop me. I continued to work as if they weren’t there at all. I managed to get everything done and cleaned in two and a half hours. This is no easy feat mined you, I was sweating bullets by the time I was finished. So after that, I tell everyone I’m off, and have my dad take me to Wal-Mart.

When I get to the store, I hear something disturbing... Wal-Mart wasn’t going to be having a Midnight Sale, but instead sell their Xbox 360's in the morning. “Shit.....” I say to myself. I was expecting to get a system by tonight, but it looked like I had to stay the night. My Dad didn’t like the idea of me staying out in the city by myself in front of a store in the cold. He also reminded me that I was sick. ... Like I hadn’t heard that before. I told my Dad that I made a promise I wasn’t about to break, and that this is the best way for me to get a console for Chris. He looked at me, worrying about what might happen if I stay the night. “Your Crazy.” he said. “Yeah, I know.” I said back. Pop decided to let me stay and left hoping I would be alright.

I got in line, with some kids. I was told that I was the fifth person in line, but I only counted 3. They said someone left to get some dinner and that he’d be back soon. And hour passes and the assistant manager shows up. We were inside waiting on line, but were told that we had to stay outside. It didn’t bother us much, so we did. The assistant Manager seemed kinda mad when we did. It was almost as if she didn’t want us here.

Hours pass, and more people were showing up online. The 4th person in line hadn’t shown up yet, so the kids in front of me decided to bump me up to number 4. The A. Manager shows up again, to tell us that they were going to be getting 16 units in. I’m a little relieved, knowing that I was the 4th person in line. More time passes and we see some trucks backing into the back of the store. It had to have been the 360's. We got exited like little school girls. This time the manager shows up and tells us the details. The store had only got 14 unit’s in, and that the first 14 people online, could stay and wait for their tickets. We were confused. The manager said that instead of staying the whole night, we would be given numbered tickets to confirm our places in line, but had to show up at 7:00 am or someone else would be getting their 360. I asked how many premium packs they had gotten, and she said that they only had 4 premiums and 10 cores. The first 4 people online would be given a choice between getting a premium or a core package. I was light headed... the kids in front of me were high fiving each other knowing that they would be getting the system they wanted. They did the same with me as well knowing that I was 4th in line. I had lucked out. If that other guy came back, I would have been left with giving my brother a shitty core package. When midnight came, we got our tickets. I got a ride form my brother and we went home.

I couldn’t sleep at all when I got home. I was too excited to. 6:00 am came by fast though, and I was ready to head out. My dad drove me again. He had to get up to go to work anyway, and it just so happens that his shop is near Wal-Mart. I get out and there are a lot of people in front. There’s a sign on the door that says, “Xbox 360 is sold out!” they’re a little mad, but continue to stay hoping none of the ticket holders show up. I casually stand by the wall not wanting to let them know I have a ticket and am assured of getting a 360. A person from the line the night before see’s me and remembers that I was 4th in line. He offers me $2,000 dollars for my ticket and shows me the money, but I decline. I didn’t stay at a store for 8 hours for myself. I was doing this for my brother, and I’ll be damned if someone try to get in the way. So, everyone who was on line the night before showed up and headed in the store to pick up their system. Instead of paying up front, we were taken to the back and paid for the 360's there. I had done it. I had gotten my brother a 360. As I left the store, I felt I had made a big accomplishment. I was able to keep my promise ( which is rare ) and got my brother the premium package of the Xbox 360...

Hmm... one more thing to add. Later I went and got my system at the Mall. It was kinda funny seeing people desperately trying to get a 360. One old lady asked if they had anymore, but was told that there weren’t going to be any, till January and March. She replied to this by saying “FUCK YOU!” and stormed out of the store, I was kinda afraid this old lady was gonna jump me to get my console, but I made it out okay. Now what do I do with the other 360 I still have pre ordered.

Well that was long...


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