Nov 17, 2009 12:01
- 12:33 @ DLadyC Yes she was the leader of the rival team. #
- 16:03 The game Band Hero bleeps songs w/ lyrics of drugs, alcohol, or profanity. They even bleep the "whisky & rye" line in 'American Pie'! #
- 16:37 @ BillCorbett Ummmm... Maybe today? #
- 18:06 R.I.P. Ken Ober : ( #
- 09:13 RT @BillCorbett Will hire a singing bear to make it feel normal. * Never would have thought he was that hairy though it does explain Bobo. #
- 09:16 @ MellyJHart I watched & loved the original but I haven't gotten around to seeing the new one. Will probably wait 4 reruns or find online. #
- 09:42 Watching VH1 Classic and thinking that the first real punk rock band is none other than The Kinks. #
- 10:14 @ edgarwright The local Safeway grocery store has "Catch My Disease" by Ben Lee on it's shop music tape. #
- 11:26 @ kelkelrenee You would look fine either way to me. * xoxo * #
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