May 14, 2002 16:10
Question of the day: Why isn't caffeinated a mood option?
I really haven't had all that much caffeine today. At least I don't think I've had that much more than I normally do. Actually, maybe I have. I kind of had stopped drinking coffee and pop for awhile. ::Thinks about it for awhile:: Maybe that's why I'm feeling extra sleepy and hyper all at once. . .
Anyways, I also realized that I haven't posted a real journal entry for awhile. So now, it's time for me to do that. Life has been good lately for the most part. I've managed not to fall back into depression and I'm smiling a lot more than I used to. I started posting at again. I missed the community. I wish I were more a part of it at times. It's funny that I was the one who started the "Always On the Outside. . . " thread, because that's how I often feel when I post there - like I don't really belong. I don't know why.
Having my own room this summer/next year is going to be a really good thing for me. That way I have my space and it's going to be completely my job to keep things neat and clean and organized. I won't be able to complain about not having enough space because that would just be silly. I'm looking forward to moving into 40 Chambers the weekend of May 24th. I think I'm going to start my furniture shopping this weekend so that the weekend after I move in I can have everything all set up.
I really like the stuff that I get to do for the project that I'm working on at CRG now. I get to start out designing circuits. After I finish that I'll get to etch the boards and build them all by myself. This will be the first time I've gone all the way through the process all by myself and I'm really looking forward to it. I can do this and I know it! After last semester I'm glad that I'm going to have a chance to prove to myself that I'm going to be a kick ass electrical engineer - to prove to myself that I'm going to make it!