Mar 26, 2002 15:58
So, today is Tuesday and I'm at work. I've been here doing various stuff since 8:30 this morning. I so need to deal with wiring for the control system for the centrifuge that I'm supposed to be working on, but I'm having contact lense issues so I decided to post a rant here first. Why is it that I can't go through one day without having some sort of issue?!? Oh, on a happy note I had Panera for lunch today.
And for all the guys out there. . . do not promise to never divorce someone in your wedding vows - that so did not go over well with anyone at CRG (except maybe Alison!) It just bothers the rest of us. Hopefully the two of them will be happy together. I don't know what I want to do with my EE degree when I'm done. I don't know if I ever will do anything specifically with it. If I go to law school the answer most likely is no.
I'm looking forward to going to Nate's for Easter. Leaving Thursday after work and getting away from Dayton for awhile will be good. Although, it will be kind of weird being the girlfriend instead of just the friend like I was before. I think I can handle it though.
I need to wash dishes and stuff at home tonight. I'll probably do some studying/homework as well. Not to mention the stack of papers I need to grade. My spring break isn't even really a break this year, but that was my choice and I think I'm rather happy with it overall.
Anyways, I should go run wire from the centrifuge to where I'm building the controls. Later all! Peace. . . =)