So it's been a while since I've last updated. I mean I put up some pictures of me with my new hair, but thats about it. New Years was fun...spent time with good friends and people who I haven't seen in forever, seriously. Uhhhh I'm just living life really, getting over my grandfathers passing. I went up to the cemetary this past week to visit my grandmother and grandfather. I just sat there for a while in the silence and the breeze of the cool air blowing past me. I still can't believe that something like that could happen to such a good person. I kept the most valuable things that had meaning to me that were my grandfathers. I wear his old jacket from his Hamburger stand all the time. It's by far the best thing ever and it fits perfectly. I have a couple of other things that meant alot to me as well. I'll hold it dear to my heart forever and I will give it to my son or daughter someday and hopefully they will cherrish it like I did. I'll tell them everything about him and how a good man he was. Uhhh I'm back in school now and I'm not complaining about it. It's only a step closer to my goal in life and it's something i really feel strong about. I know I'll make my family, grandparents, and especially myself proud. Let's see, I've been talking to people who I never thought I'd talk to again and also people who I haven't spoken to in a while and it's really really good seeing them. They were a huge part of my life and it's great that they're back in it. I missed them. There are other things that are just missing in life and are always in the back of my mind. I've just been thinking a lot lately about things and there turn outs and the affects it had on my life. Some things I'll never forget and will always be a memory in my mind, ALWAYS. But as much as all of this has come to, I'm really content with my life right now and there's really nothing that can put me down. So yeah that's really me right now.
2 sorta decent pictures of me.