May 23, 2010 23:08
After realizing a very key point that I missed. Having been talking to Seb on the Ikkicon forums, I realized that fate was indeed at work. We had our close calls over the months, from the beginning of the new year. I was amazed to realize this last night at four... five am.
[My Text]
(About talking about how *we* we're the one who suggested starting up the dating panel @ Ikkicon 4.)
That's it! 'Cause I remember putting something in my signature based on something you'd said to me. Fuck. My. Life. Shoulda gone to speed dating.
[His Text]
Really, you did that in you sig? Damnit, I should have seen that as a sign. But then the fact that we could end up together after that missed opportunity could also be a sign.
[My Text]
I'm on the Ikki forums now... Literally kicking myself.
[His Text]
Don't. You sent your signals and it almost happened, if anything it was my fault for not thinking to follow up.
[My Text]
STILL KICKING. Either way. I updated my sig there. |D Have accounts anywhere else I should know of? Roflmao.
Bed time for me anyways. The second round of sleeping aids is kicking in strong. I love you. Gods I do. And this, what I've realized tonight, has made me fall harder in love with you. So, so, much harder. I'm definately calling it fate (even though she's been a bich lately). I love you x inifinity. I can't say it enough.
[His Text]
You just put a very big smile on my face. I love you so freaking much. I don't know what you realized tonight, but I'm glad you did if it results in our love getting stronger. Sleep well, my beautiful angel. I love you.
[My Text] 4:27 am
I realized that we're soulmates, Seb. Not just lovers. Or just a general couple. But true /soulmates/. I'm sure you've felt it. You said you're good with just sitting with me. Nothing else. The feeling of me in your arms just... puts the feeling of completeness in you, right? You said as though you has felt as though your heard had been ripped out and left here, right? This it what I've finally realized. *True* soulmates. God. I'm euphoric right now. If the sleeping aids weren't kicking in I don't think I'd be able to sleep after such a life-turning realization. I have no doubt that we truly were made for each other. And I want to some how explain this to your mother.
[His Text]
Jessica. I feel exactly the same way. I just didn't know how to say it. Gods, this truly is an amazing moment. I can feel my heard racing inside my chest. We *are* souldmates, now and forever. you mean everything to me. If my mother doesn't see that after this next week, I'm hard-pressed to see how i could show her. I love you. I love you so much. Thank you, Jessica.
xposted from my Facebook Notes.