(no subject)

Dec 30, 2005 23:21

thank you Jesus this freakin year is almost over. its had ups and downs....almost everything i have attempted in 2005 i have failed.. therefore my new years resolution for 2006 is to either succeed at what i try, or not even try at all. 2005=Year of failure, 2006=trying to succeed. all i can do is hope right?

well heres some things i did in 2005 and something eles i stole from walden.

before you read.. i was asked a real deep question tonight and here it is for you to think about..What is your absolute deepest fear?

In 2005 I...
{x} broke a promise
{x} made a new best friend
{} fell in love
{} fell out of love
{x} did something you swore never to do
{x} lied
{ } stole
{x} went behind your parents back
{} cried over a broken heart
{x} dissapointed someone close
{x} hidden a secret
{x} pretended to be happy
{ } got arrested
{} kissed in the rain
{ x} slept under the stars
{ } kept your new years resolution
{x} forgot your new years resolution
{x} met someone who changed your life
{x} met one of your idols
{ } changed your outlook on life
{x} sat home all day doing nothing
{x} pretended to be sick
{ } left the country
{ x} almost died
{x} given up something important to you
{ } lost something expensive
{x} learned something new about yourself
{x} tried something you normally wouldnt try and liked it
{x} made a change in your life
{x} find out who your true friends were
{x.MANY TIMES!} made a total fool of yourself
{x} met great people

plus and minuses of 2005.

+got my license

-didnt succeed

+met and got with one of the greatest girls i know

-i let her go

+made new friends

-lost some that were real close

+got good at guitar

-felt excluded most of the time

+met some nice girls.

-never stood a chance with any of them.

well 2005 needs 2 leave so i can maybe have a good year.
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