Another night..

Apr 09, 2004 22:38

Yes..another night of the stomache aches, head aches, throat hurting, constant coughing, feeling ridiculously sick, feeling heart-broken, lonely, missing, the occasional almost puking or puking, and the mixed feelings.....pretty much just like every other night.

Only this night...i'm super emotional..Alot of people don't understand what i mean when i say this, because i say it so often. Let me try to sum it up the easiest way i can.

There's days..nights maybe that i just get to a point where like... the things i so easily took to heart, regularly comes back. everything that has ever happened..that bothered me...comes back. and i get torn into a million different opinions. and for the most part..emotional.. not necessarily the sobbing, emotional..But just to a point where i could sincerely feel sympathy for myself mostly..but for other people. it can be good or bad. it can bring me down..which it usually does..or it can even bring me up. This particular night it's making me feel like crap. that probably if anything confused you even more. It's just to say everything bothers me..and i can't help it. i get in touch with feelings...

if you think it sounds intriguing..think again. it sucks so bad. its like you can't do anything without remembering something else. it's so weird and i hate it. and then tomorow i'm probably just going to go on living as if i have been fine. Where by the time night comes, i'm gonna feel super down seem's to just be how i am..and i can't stand it. I wanna move on from everything..i want everything else to move on as well. and for my life to get better. but right now i will sit here night after night complaining to a journal :-/...

this post really sucked and was merely just me rambling about nothing..

but now my stomache is hurting super gonna go make some soup

I miss you this much..with arms wide open
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