Feb 01, 2004 13:12
oh man. yesterday was fucking fun as hell... i had to go to orientation at work from 9-4, but alissa picked me up from work and we hung out all night... she wanted me to go with her to get her first tattoo, so we went to tatu tattoo and they wouldn't do it for her because she's only 20. so we decided not to give up and drove up to the north side to go to tattoo factory, and they did it for $50. after that we went to sinbad's and got some food. then went out to rhiannon's party at 878.... oh man. that party was hot shit. drunken rent money parties are awesome. i met sooo many cool people. i apparently i threw up and passed out, but i suppose thats my MO recently... but i wake up at 4 to go home with alissa, come back here, crash with her, wake up again at 11:30.... with "to vaginas" written on my arm and 4 girls phone numbers on a napkin in my pocket. what a great night. i should eat. i should call these girls tonight... its what? sunday? i'm sure there's something to do...
[end transmission]