Rice: Plain white, I think. Maybe a few hulls or barley grains.
Soup: Seaweed
Banchan: Scary apple-ham-mayo-dressing salad (maybe with peanuts this time?) Again, I did not touch it. One of our kids, who really hates that kind of salad, about puked when he tried to eat it (like me and shish kabab). Um. Tiny dried fishies-- anchovies? Don't know. Surprisingly sweet. I have discovered that if you mix the fishies and rice into your seaweed soup, then the fishies are not so disturbingly fishy and the bland sliminess of the seaweed is also mitigated somewhat. There was a spicy pork-and-sweet-potato stew-- really, really good, if completely bizarre. Odeng, with red pepper and sesame seeds of course (and green onion bits). Ggak du gi, also with green onion bits, which was unusual. I think that was it... This was a pretty boring day. The stew really was delicious, though-- I didn't even know Koreans really ate stew. Maybe it's an import?
I feel like I've been working almost nonstop since about ten o'clock this morning. Oh, wait, maybe that's because I have been. Work hours sound very reasonable when you only take into account teaching time. Add paperwork and lesson prep and it's... considerably more daunting, really. I finished teaching at six, and it was after 8:30 when I left.
My bottom toolbar spontaneously disappeared just now. I wish I knew how to get it back. :( *still not remotely computer-savvy*
Need to clan the litter-box. :( And fold the laundry. And do more laundry. And get some reading done.
No bellydance tonight. Has been happening more and more frequently. I think the owner/teacher has some very serious personal problems at the moment, and she has been sick and/or "sick" quite a bit over the last month or so. I'm wondering, also, if maybe she's having some business-type troubles and is subconsciously trying to avoid them-- I've seen her on the studio phone looking very serious. Kind of worried. :( I don't mind the evening off, though, as it's been raining all day and I really just want to stay home with my kitty.
I meant to read up on Gustav this morning before I left, but was in a bit of a hurry and didn't get to. (And didn't really have a spare moment during the day!) I hope the media are just being melodramatic as usual, and that everyone in that area is safe and will remain so. I'm surprised I haven't already heard about flooding in North Korea already, the way it's been raining today-- nonstop since this morning. I like the rain a lot, though it did not inspire me to jump up and greet the day. Such a lovely, sleepy sound.
Registered for my absentee ballot yesterday! Went to Itaewon in search of books (secret project! Or not so secret if you've talked to my mom) and there was a table set up for anyone who felt like registering for the US election. (Itaewon is a major hangout for foreigners, so it was a good place to set up.) Apparently these volunteers have been out there every weekend since April, and I've missed them till now. I thought the whole process would have been much more difficult. So I'm happy about that.
So... McCain, wth. I hope the Democrats don't keep the kid gloves on for two long-- whatsherface might be A Girl, but she's also an inexperienced conservative under investigation for abuse of power. This shouldn't even be a threat, but if the Democrats start pointing out her obvious weakness as a possible pinch-hitter for the Presidency they'll get lashed for jumping all over The Lady. Grr. Can you imagine being left with whatsherface (I honestly can't remember-- Palin??? and my computer's being weird and I don't feel like looking it up right now. But my comment still stands, even if slightly wobbling.
The Cat is indicating his jealousy, so I'm going to jump off-- I did kind of want to play with him a bit, since I'm really bad about actually taking out his toys and playing a game. He's getting progressively more vicious in his demands for attention, as well. ;_; XOXO