Aug 31, 2005 21:50
So, I have absolutly no clue what I am goin to be doing the rest of the wekk through Sunday. The only 2 things that I do have planned are obvious things such as Football Game and Church.Other than that I can officially say that my weekend is open for anything. Who knows??
My weeks have been so boring. The highlight of most of my days from 8:15 on is goin to volleyball games. That's it. Nothing happens during the day. I talk to some friends and that's it. The lunchroom chats are also fun at times.
I can't seem to get this LJ to work and do what I would like it to do. None of the pictures that I want as a background seem to show up. It's all from premadelayouts also.
So the people at my lunchtable, well mainly Georg's idea, decided that "picture day" is actually "cleavage day". It is hilarious. She was right too. Most girls on "picture day" wear shirts that show a little more than what is needed. It is rather humorous.
I wore dirty jeans to school today without even knowing it. Well, I did after I got out of the showers after weights around 7:35. I had to call Andy and have him bring me a pair to wear. It's was crazy. I didnt' dress up for pictures either.
Hot Hot Heat "Middle Of Nowhere" has been stuck in my mind all day.
Later Days