Mar 04, 2005 11:49
Yay! LiveJournal is unblocked at school now!
Unfortunately, I have absolutely nothing to type about. Today in World History, I got very, very bored. I took out a divider and started writing all of my favorite song lyrics on it. Everyone was amazed I knew so many lyrics. I have 1000+ songs completely memorized because pretty much everything in my mp3 player I knew by heart (and I had something like 1163 when it died). Shaquita sounds exactly like John Mayer when she sings Daughters.
My dad can be so awesome sometimes--he's going to let me borrow his camera when I go to Aiken for the Trials. Mine's getting worse and worse; apparently it takes photos perfectly fine when the LCD screen is off (i.e.: I use the viewfinder), but if I try to use the screen, it puts really bad lines in all of the photos. I've *never* taken photos through the viewfinder, but I guess now is a good time to learn. I'll probably just take mine and my dad's; if mine dies up there, I'll switch to his. I'd like to try to get a bit more use out of mine. It's only a year and a half old but was *really* hard-used. When I first got it, I didn't get the whole "use sparingly" concept and would take like 200+ pictures on a simple trip and only save 30, with five good ones of the bunch. Now I only take about 30 and most will be really good.
I don't remember if the runner Whitehorsecantjump is a gelding, but if he's not, and if it wasn't too long, they could name a baby Prettyflyforawhitehorse.
P.S.: My journal is under construction. I need to go find a new top banner and a cool quote/lyric to go on it.