(no subject)

Oct 17, 2004 18:13

People who repeatedly lie to me and manipulate me lose my trust. That's all I've got to say on THAT.

Now. Happier things!

My room is almost totally clean. I've just gotta finish my laundry and put my crap ceramics in a box [I'm gonna leave the ceramic pieces that aren't crap out, but the ones that aren't very good are going in a box] and then I'm done. And then when people come to my house they can come to my room because you're not gonna die by going in my room anymore. And that'll make me happy since that'll mean I won't have to be downstairs where the cigarette smoke I can smell will be making my allergies worse.

I honestly fail to see how so many people find me to be depressed, because I'm honestly not. I'm happy. Maybe it's because I'm not as hyper as everyone else, but just because I'm not hyper doesn't mean I'm not happy. Meh, whatever. I don't think I really care if people can't see the truth about me.

Hmm, what else.. There's really not a whole lot going on, I spent the weekend talking to my mom and cleaning my room. We both went on cleaning binges yesterday, so the kitchen and my bedroom are now clean.

Charmed in an hour, yay! That makes me happy!

The people thinking I'm depressed thing is bothering me, though, so.. here.. have a poll..

Poll Am I really depressed?
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