Feb 28, 2005 19:46
So today I finally finished all of my court crap for the accident that I had on Thanksgiving. The person who hit me never showed up so all of the charges were dropped, they didnt even ask me what happened they just told me I could go home and that it is all finally done. So I just got back from a celebratory dinner that I dont have to deal with this shit again. I have my car all fixed, it cost a little over $1500 after all was said and done, but she is better. This is where my Fuck! comes in. On the way home from court I got rear ended on I-25. Thankfully the only damage to my car was a broken tail light (thats what is noticeable right now anyway and that better be the only problem, I just got her out of the shop!). The other car however will probably get totaled out, but no tickets were issued so hopefully this wont create much of a headache.
Other than that shitty incident all is going well. I am in kindergarten on Mon, Wed, Fri; I teach the gifted and talented students grades 3-5 on Tues and Th, and am also teaching 3rd grade on Th. It is busy, but fun and never dull. My honey and I are doing great! Life in general is going well minus the fact that I have no money after fixing my car and no job for at least another 2 months while repaires occur. Lets hope that calling in old debts and taxes will save me so I can at least pay rent next month. Well, I'm off, Goodnight and Good week to you all!
Much love,