Dec 10, 2015 14:53
The semester's almost over and thank doG. If I don't figure out this whole "time management" thing soon I may have a heart attack. I just need to survive finals week and I'm in the clear until January.
This has been a fresh start. A bit rocky, yeah, and my grades this semester could have been much better, but overall a good move. Now that I'm not only back in school but also seeking help for my myriad problems it feels like I can atone for past mistakes and failures. Do it right this time. Maybe achieve a little success before the politicians ruin everything.
Money is, well... tighter than ever. Budget, budget, budget. I've grabbed a temp job at a holiday stand in the mall. It'll help us cover bills a bit longer. Exploring taking out a college loan. Making it on a Pell grant and savings alone was ill thought out. I'm getting a bit too old for ramen and beanie weenies all the time.
I see a rheumatologist on the 24th. The chronic pain has been spreading and intensifying this year. I can barely manage to walk around campus sometimes, let alone work out at the gym. With the weather turning colder I hobble around like an old man in the mornings.
Ortho ran a full blood workup. Hyperuricemia. Possibly gout though the symptoms don't jive completely.
It really sucks. I'd like to exercise harder. Finish losing this weight. Get some sexy tone in these muscles. (I want to be cute dammit!)
On the homefront things are business as usual. Old married couple. I find myself wanting to recapture some of the spark of when we first met. Revisit those first, tentative, dorm room romps.
25 going on 19.
Ozy signing off.