Aug 21, 2012 04:19
Well, not actually science but I am still alive.
I am back in college though. More or less. I've got one class at the community college this semester, Rhetoric and Critical Thinking, but if I play my cards right I'll be back to SEMO full time in the spring. I may even be able to recover a portion of my scholarship.
In other, less great, news I am afflicted with severe numbness alternating with pins and needles in boths hands and wrists. My money is on carpal tunnel. I have been wearing braces for weeks now but there has been no improvement. I have an appointment with my doctor on Thursday.
Still dirt broke myself, but Lupercus has enough money in mutual funds that, with his brother as an additional investor, he will be purchasing a home. So hopefully no more shitty apartment before too long. Yay!
Being a poor as fuck college student again I don't see conventions or commissions in my future anytime soon. *sadface*
Unless I go spend an afternoon standing in front of Home Despot hoping for some extra untaxed income in exchange for labor.
I'm still holding Sabot to the promise that he'll be at my graduation.
Major in Spanish is a go! :D :D :D
I also really want to learn to play the guitar.