"What are invaders called on Barab I? Prey!"

Oct 26, 2011 16:55

We're starting a Star Wars campaign. Lupercus' brother is the GM.

At this point all I know for sure is that it takes place in the early days of the Rebellion. (After Starkiller, but before Yavin.)

I am playing a Barabel bounty hunter, so scalies take notice.

Bounty hunter is a prestige class, though, so I will not start out as one. My starting class will be scout, and I will take at least three ranks in it, and a few in soldier. I will also take one rank as a scoundrel for the purpose of acquiring the sneak attack feat.

Barabels have a predatory disposition, and are pack/clan oriented within a matriarchy. Teeth, claws, and a heavy tail make up their natural weapons.

In other words, even if she were disarmed,  a body would be foolish to fuck with my bounty hunter.

Roleplaying this character is gonna be fun!

science fiction, gaming, star wars

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