Ichigo sandals

Nov 06, 2011 16:45

So for Halloween, I decided to resurrect my old Ichigo costume. I had to make new sandals though, and since they turned out fairly well, I thought I'd write it up.

So one of my friends translated a couple of web pages from Japanese on how to make nuno zouri. (Thank you elfsoto!!) You can find page 1 here and page 2 here.

I made a couple of 'normal ones' - a multicolored terry towel one (tip: cut towel fabric thinner), and a brown sheet fabric (perfect for a Sanzo costume) first to get the hang of it. Then, I modified the instructions and created my own Ichigo sandals --

So, the major parts I changed were - totally disregarded the weaving in of the thong/strap pieces, and adding a little extra at the heel to curl up around the ankle.

So, back on page 1 and page 2, disregard anything about the strap and thong, add a little extra length to the base cord, and have an extra strip of weaving cloth for each sandal.

I used a off-white sheet I found at a resale store. (I was volunteering there at the time, so I pretty much got it for free). One queen sized sheet was more than enough for two sandals - it would probably make three.

Note: Make measurements off your own feet, and compare your feet AS you are weaving. Otherwise, you can end up with sandals waaaay too narrow at the toes, etc.

1) Cut the corner of the sheet just beyond the seam (i.e. the seam plus 0.25 in of fabric). Rip down the length of the sheet (top to bottom) so you end up with a long, very thin, but thick (the seam) piece of fabric. This will be used as the strap at the very end. (Note, if the sheet has a fancy head seam, you might have to cut off this part first. A seam at the foot may prevent you from tearing all the way through, you can cut this off too, if you need.)

2) Do the same with the other side seam. Now you have two seam strips, and one large sheet without seams.

3) On the sheet, cut a notch every 3 inches, and tear down the length of the sheet. It should tear easily. If not, cut it. I have size 9.5 US feet, and I used about 4-5 strips per sandal. If you have much smaller feet, perhaps 3-4; larger 5-6 strips, etc.

4) Weave according to page 2. Ignore the straps insertion.

5) At the end of the heel, instead of ending, weave a little more. Make it about 3/4 the width of the heel, and narrow it as it goes for about 2-3 inches in length. (Note: It will lie flat until you thread the strap.)

Now for the easy strap part. (This is so much easier than weaving it in, and works with this type of sandal since it comes up and wraps around the ankle.)

6) Find roughly where you would like the strap to be between your big toe and the rest of your toes, on the sandal. Find the middle of the long seam strip. Push the two ends through the sandal FROM THE BOTTOM, separated about 1/2 an inch (one closer to the toes, the other the heel), and pull through - leaving the middle of the strap on the bottom side of the sandal where you wanted the strap between your toes. I made of simple knot here to keep it in place. (The knot rests between your toes, but the fabric is soft enough that it should be fine.)

One of the seam straps will go to the right side of the foot, and the other on the left.

7) While "wearing" the sandal, pull the seam straps tight to the sides of the sandal, lined up with the end of the ball of the foot/start of the arch. Push the seam strap end through the outside weave of the sandal, for about 3-4 of the woven strips, then pull it back out. (A wooden chopstick, or a pencil, helps here.)

Now the strap comes up from the bottom of the sandal between your toes, lies tight on the top of your foot to both sides, disappears into the weave for a little bit, and then comes back out.

8) Take an end of the seam strap and weave it in PARALLEL to the very back part of the sandal that it to curl up around the ankle (i.e. the last part you weaved of the sandal). Weave it in so that it comes from one direction, and exits on the other side.

9) Do the same with the other seam strap end. Now the seam straps are on opposite sides of your ankle, and you can tie them from here.

10) Pull tight into shape while wearing them, and then step out. Depending on the fabric, the sandal should stay in the curled position because of the strap. Done!


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