Feb 21, 2011 10:08
it took him 3 days to reply to my message on YIM:
22:44 PM 18/2 did/do you ever intend to pay me back? or was it just another thing to keep me close?
23:40 PM 18/2 guess i have my answer
1:37 AM 21/2 It was both
1:38 AM 21/2 But does it really matter if I answered the second question
1:44 AM 21/2 all I ever wanted was to be close to you
1:47 AM 21/2 Im word doesnt matter anymore ... Not much I can do about it
1:52 AM 21/2 What I want to know is .. Was it really the money you wanted back or is this your way in staying close to me?
1:56 AM 21/2 Reason I ask is because... Well is that money really worth that much to you ... Or maybe closure
also have another email from him titled 'check your messages', but i haven't checked its contents yet. guess he either didn't read my email reply or fell asleep part way because it was kinda long >.>