Jan 10, 2010 18:39
Random comments while watching KAT-TUN Break the Records DVD with mother on an msn convo:
- Kame just took off his sunglasses as if he were doing a strip dance. And there is definetly something wrong with his eyebrows in this DVD
- What is this anyway? Is this about K and his backdancers AT-TUN?
- Koki/Ueda!
- Kame rather gives off the impresion that he is a whore in this DVD
- Imagine if Jin had done Kame's solo. The ropes would have needed to be thicker
Caroline: koki looks a bit frightening in his solo
Mum: A transvestite
Caroline: koki?
Mum: Oh sorry no Kame does
- Koki's younger brother is so cute! HE'S CUTE!
- Kame is really excelling in this concert isn't he
- Koki is upside down on a structure. And so is Kame.
- What is with Ueda? DId someone give him drugs before this performance?
- Kame is being sleazy with a junior
Caroline says: oh my god kokame kiss
Mum: How did I miss a Kokame kiss??
Mum: I must have been distracted by the dog or something. I didnt see that
Caroline says: they leant in and kissed
Mum: Now I must watch it again. When are you home next???
Caroline: ok they didnt ACTUALLY kiss but they came about a millimetre from their lips touching
Mum: Yes well
- you missed the bit where Kame sat down on the ground and pouted and Koki was like "Kame-CHAN!!!"
- seriously what is with Ueda!!! hes' TALKING in the MC part and making JOKES
- Jin looks ridiculous dancing with an umbrella
- Ueda isn't wearing shoes. Funny how that was never mentioned, like it probably was but only in passing but if it had been kame tabloids would have printed something such as "DISGRACEFUL LACK OF FOOTWEAR FOR IDOL"
- (about Ueda) He is too thin to get naked, he could be missed if he stood behind anything
- KAT-TUN pretty much has ticked every other box (scandal wise)
- Jins solo. Flowerpot man.
- Jin gets actual women for this song ie not Koki
- Kame is wearing shorts. He likes to look like a schoolboy I think
akanishi jin,
tanaka koki,
kamenashi kazuya,
ueda tatsuya