make me wonder

Jan 26, 2005 10:02

its wedenesday and i am feeling better which is a relief. i keep wanting to puke but it just wont come out. i got a case of the dry heeves... ahhh

i have been sooo bored lately. i mean i have off of school all week, but monday tuesday and today i was/am sick, thursday i gota work, friday morning i gotta work, and sunday i gotta work. dammn it! well maybe i can actually get out of the house and do something.

i havent seen any of my friends in like weeks. i miss euryone

last night i was restless and i could not stay in this freaking house any longer so i just had to do something. so my madre took me to eckerd to get some tabloids haha. i spent like 15 bucks on tabs because i have been laying around watching tv for 4 days and i swear to god i know every commercial there is on television by heart. i seen liz there too, her and her mom were coming in while i was leaving. man did i look like shitt!! oh well

after eckerd, we went to the mckinely mall. well looked like cancer so i stayed in the car and read my magazines, while my sis and mom went shopping. after that we got MIGHTY TACO. Hell Yes! that place is like the best thing that happened to buffalo, or at least to fat fucks like me! haha

um... so yeah. when my dad comes home for lunch, hes guna drive me over to my moms work, but im guna be all alone there. maybe ill just bring my tabloids with me, yeah that will give me something to do. hahaha......

thats all folks
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