(no subject)

Sep 17, 2008 18:42

I guess it's been awhile since I last posted...but what's really the point anyway?
NO one cares what's been going on or in particular what the hell is going on with my life.
I guess, since I started it, I'll finish, just for the sake of finishing...
I've been working and going to school, non-stop. No break for Sherrie. It's either manual labor, trying to stay up in classes and homework.

It Sucks.

That's the least I can say about it. I'm tired all the time, busy all the time and now getting sick because I'm so run down. I've been MIA for awhile from my friends just because I never have time to sit down and talk with them. And no one has given me any implications that they'd like to visit/ talk/ whatever. Except for one guy that I used to go to Junior High School with and haven't spoken to in eight years-Shelby, who has been in the Marines for about four years and out of the blue contacted me. We chatted on the phone for about an hour, catching up in the middle of the night...
How sad that someone I havent spoken to/seen for eight years was that concerned to actually call me...(maybe concerned isn't the right word?)
I'm homesick and I want to go back to the city. I kind of hate it here.

OH, and my phone might be disconnected soon thanks to Dickhead- but that's another matter that I'd like not to get upset over again-I"m feeling way too crappy, way too cranky and way too sick to even begin to explain that. Just reminiscent of what a sad sad waste of 6 years of my life.

I couldn't pay rent on time this month so I had to borrow $300 from my biological father's parents. And the worse part is, I'm barely home to begin with. I leave really early in the morning and get back home late at night every. single. day.
I hate borrowing money because it makes me feel people have something on me- worst of all,the part of my family that doesn't really give a shit about me. And could care less if I ended up in the street with a cardboard box. All they are doing is worrying about my pregnant teenage cousins- oh yes, let's celebrate teen pregnancy and dropping out of high school- what the hell am I doing? I'm not pregnant, so my situation doesn't deserve any attention. This life is crap.
Not to mention Jonathan's psychotic bitch of a mother, who is a two- faced compulsive liar and who I'd like to see trapped in her disgusting trailer as it blows up from a cigarette she fell asleep with.

That's it, folks. That's the story of my life currently and I don't see it getting any better right now. All of this college education to work at a minimum wage job that can barely make even the cost of books, let alone rent.
And this is why I've been MIA, just because I don't have time and I know no one gives a shit.
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