Apr 05, 2007 09:42
I decided last night that I wanted to break the sleep-late/get-up-late pattern I slid into after the start of vacation. I mean, it probably could've been worse, like a 2 AM / 12 PM breakdown rather than 12 AM / 10 AM. So, I set my alarm last night to 8:30 AM. I woke up before then, but I still got the [dreaded] blast of cingular music playing when 8:30 swung around on my cell phone clock. (The reason why I hate the cingular tone is because it's my alarm ring tone! Funny how the mind works.)
So I got up, and here I am, writing an LJ entry at 10 in the morning (though the dated time of the entry may suggest otherwise). I will probably tear myself away from LJ and this computer shortly, so I can go work on my econ outline on a different computer. Hmm. Yeah. (Note to Brianne and Nanny: don't worry, there is no econ outline due over the vacation. I just asked Mr. Coggin what's the next chapter we're outlining so that I could get a head start over the vacation.) And then I'm clothing shopping. I hate clothing shopping. Blehhh.
It also snowed this morning (or is it called a flurry?). But hey, it's April, it's supposed to be spring! With warm sunshine, sweet breezes, and chirping birds! Not SNOW! Well, at least the snow looks like the soft, delicate kind, not the hard, icy mix we've been getting all winter. Too bad it didn't come during December, January, or February. We got some bad snow this year, partly because it was so icy, but the school never cancelled a day, or released us early enough, despite the increasingly dangerous situation on the roads.
Anyway, enough of this meandering talk about sleep and snow. Onwards to aggregate supply models! (Random fact: MIT has a great economics program.)