What Is This Nonsense. Honestly.

Nov 22, 2006 14:00

So, not to rant more than I already have, but things have gone all catawampus over here. I spent the morning in the throes of a mega-panic attack and I don't know why. I am not prone to such things as a general rule, and spending about an hour convinced I was either desperately ill or had finally gone round the proverbial bend and would make the third of my immediate family to be institutionalized is not my idea of an enriching time. I am once again compos mentis, thankfully, but am thoroughly freaked out. I figure it may have been brought on by stress and the slight disorientation that my ears being stuffed up brings on, but I have no idea how to stop it from happening again. Also, it's raining and I still haven't got my umbrella back. After all my effusive praise of France, this country seems to be turning on me like a rabid kitten. A rabid kitten with delicious cheese.

Also, my father is still in the hospital. He's had to go back on external dialysis after the peritonitis wouldn't clear up, so he just had surgery to get another catheter put in his neck. Apparently he is not doing as well as could be hoped.

Okay. I've had enough of this malarkey now. I want to go home.

*deep breath*

All right, back on-kilter now. Things are going to be just fine. Time to go and have some more of that delicious cheese I mentioned. Boursin on a baguette with greens and salami and a piping bowl of soup is the lunch of champions.

family, state of the susan, rants

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