Jul 03, 2007 06:16
So after trying for close to 2 hours to get this wireless internet thing going, and talking to their customer support whom I requested an english speaker but still got mandarin speaker, its up and running. So Taiwan has this thing called WiFly throughout all of Taipei city, a joint business public service setup in conjunction with the government.
I purchase a 24 hour limitless access card at starbucks, come back to use it, and about 2 hours later and after talking to customer support whom I had to dial the phone # many times cuz I couldn't figure out the phone systems, I failed and had to go to my aunts house leaving the comp in the hotel. Finally got it going after charging my credit card tonight around 923pm my time here.
So before all that, I have to say that Singapore airlines roxors my boxors. I haven't flown international in awhile so i must say it was splendid. Personal TV screens with tons of movies, TV shows, and video games(I played my brother Battleship and Reversi) to choose from. Food was so so. So I watched Blades of Glory again(They put the bone in zamboni!), Night at the Museum(ehhh Stiller never makes really good movies when hes doing without most of Frat pack), the Namesake(where I learned that babies can be made with your clothes on, Kal Penn always smokes weed in his movies, and other things related to bhoumik that i can't remember now, and most of Seven Samurai(missed ending because of landing.
Getting out of the airport and onto the streets I notice of course not the intense heat, but the mugginess and humidity. Not that intolerable. I've come to tolerate heat pretty well. Not my brother though, that whiny bitch. I walked by myself down one street of Taipei while out to get the internet access card and bought some red tea and a popsicle. I tried looking for deodorant or anti-persperint but I think people don't use it here cuz i cant find it anywhere.
Traffic is incredibly unsafe...driving and walking in it. People dont give a fuck around here and basically drive how they want...straight toward you. However, people dont get pissed or have road rage. I know i'd have an aneurysm by now with how people drive. But then that also gives me the pedestrian the right to jaywalk whereever the hell i want.
Other than the traffic conditions, I'm incredibly afraid of mosquitoes whom are normally drawn to my ABC blood. For some odd reason, I haven't been bitten all day(knock on wood). I guess they've cleaned things up quite a bit since the last time I was here.
Also saw bunch of family I hadn't seen in a decade or so. A niece and nephew I never seen(kids of my cousin). Got to saw first hand the little emperor syndrome in the nephew. 12 years old and still acts like a bitch. Coddled and breast fed too much probably. Oh and needs 5 across the eyes as well.
Well thats the first day. I'll try to update if I get another chance.
peace out.
p.s.- please give jons parents my best wishes and sorry that I had to be away.
p.p.s.- im going to find the fobbest shirt with the most incoherent engrish on it and where it when i get back=)