022. Singer slogans!

Jul 19, 2006 20:31

12 Singer icons.

No, not singers as in my normal stuff - band icons etc.

Singer slogan things.


They're all the same base but different text. I'm basically playing around with choir stereotypes, these are not supposed to be offensive!!! I showed them to a friend from my choir and she thought they were hilarious so I reckoned I'd post the rest.

please comment and credit to silent_emulsion, it makes me smile LIKE THIS :D!
(p.s. I'm a first soprano but sing second...)

ALSO - I am looking for a new layout for this community! As much as I adore the one Kai did for me, it keeps going funny and I've done something to it so it looks odd now :( If anyone knows of a good and simple one I can use that won't go messy, please let me know.


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As ever, if you would like a different text on one of the bases, just let me know!
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