Book Meme

Sep 22, 2008 22:22

I've seen this before but at the time I had an entire bookshelf next to me, so it didn't work quite right.  Now I just have an anthology.


1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 42.
3. Find the first full sentence.
4. Post the text of the next seven sentences in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
6. Tag five other people to do the same.

The young men gazed at them more closely, and then, without speaking, they rose, wrapped the strangers in four coverings of the sky, and laid them on a shelf.

The boys had lain there quietly for some time when a rattle that hung over the door shook and one of the young women said: "Our father is coming."  The rattle shook four times, and soon after it shook the fourth time, the Sun Bearer entered his house.  He took the sun off his back and hung it up on a peg on the west wall of the room, where it shook and clanged for some time, going "tla, tla, tla, tla," till at last it hung still.

Then the Sun Bearer turned to the woman and said, in an angry tone: "Who are those two who entered here to-day?"

I'm counting the dialogue as separate sentences because the next sentence is really long.  This is part of a Navajo legend in my early American literature anthology.  Sadly, we're not studying the Native American legends, just the colonists' works.  :~(

I don't tag, do the meme if you want.

meme, books

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