Hi Friends!

Aug 19, 2008 16:50

I said I was going to do this after the last serial adding, but I lied. So here is a short bio for all my new and old friends.

My name is Rachael. I'm 20 years old. I live in rural Ohio (moved from eastern rural Ohio to a university in western rural Ohio). I'm going to be a college junior in September, majoring in creative writing and professional writing. No, I don't know what I am going to do with that degree, aside from a dream that I will publish my novel (more on that later), become rich and famous, and never need to get a nine-to-five job.

I have a dog

and a parrot

and another parrot

eight chickens

and a cockatiel.

I'm currently very obsessed with vampires. Also fairies. I've been working on a novel for the past few years, which not-very-coincidentally is about vampires and a fairy. There's also a werewolf in it, but I'm not obsessed with them yet. They're just kind of cool, as opposed to completely awesome. People tell me my novel is actually kind of good, which is a good thing because it's consuming my life and it'll be nice to be able to share it and not have to find out that my inner life is actually boring and/or stupid.

And that's a good place to stop and keep this short. Here is a link to an earlier bio, if you want to see a picture of me and read about completely different stuff.

photography, lj, pets

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