(no subject)

Sep 03, 2009 23:11

Have I mentioned that I hate packing?  Because I really hate packing.  I am incapable of packing light.  My brother is outfitting an entire apartment, furniture included, and I've nearly caught up to him in square feet of stuff that needs transported.  He keeps telling me what to toss and I'm all "But... but... no!  I need it!"

My college bookstore has some sort of problem with my credit card and hasn't filled my textbook order.  >:(  On the upside, I went on a little bit of a shopping spree and should have some awesome packages awaiting me when I get to school.  One of which contains the textbooks I was smart enough not to order from the bookstore.

I'm going to miss the birds.  Kiwi was being such a sweetie today.  I gave him a spray-bottle shower and he's been talking and making lovey noises ever since.

college, pets

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