Blog Like It's the End of the World

Jun 12, 2009 19:04

Tomorrow,June 13th,  I will be participating in Blog Like It's the End of the World Day.  Basically, I will be blogging as though the zombie apocalypse was occurring.  All entries will be tagged with "zombies" and will probably contain a link to this disclaimer.  Also, I'm going to Honfest (yeah, I don't know either.  Baltimore thing) right in the middle of the day, which will interrupt my blogging.  I'll have to think up a good disaster to explain it.

If by some chance some real catastrophe occurs in my life, I will preface my post with "This is real."  If I do not say that, and my post has a zombie tag, DO NOT PANIC.  I am okay.  The zombies only exist on the Internet.


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