Feb 03, 2009 19:35
I need a hypochondria tag. Today, I'm worrying about my eye.
This headache I've been complaining about is behind my right eye. I've had it for three days now. This is not unusual. I almost always have a severe headache there when I have any hint of sinus trouble, both of which can last for weeks at a time. I once had a doctor put me on a cocktail of medicine for it that included Mucinex, an antihistamine, and an antibiotic. Sinus troubles cleared right up, but the headache did not. I haven't tried again, because our campus doctor is not the greatest.
Anyway... the pain isn't any worse than normal (where "normal"=OMG, I want to stab a pencil in my eye), but while I was walking to lunch today my right eye got really foggy and a little blurry. It continued off and on throughout the meal. Now it looks fairly normal, but something still feels a little "off" about my vision. That is very likely hypochondria on my part, though. Earlier this week I had a two-day stint of muscle twitches in that eyelid, and I had this weird black spot in the bottom of my vision, but I"m 90% sure that was a clumped eyelash (couldn't get to a mirror to see for sure). That eye also feels really dry and full of pressure (pressure is from the sinus pain, I assume). Most of this is nothing to worry about, even the pain since it's an ongoing thing, but I'm freaked about the cloudy vision. I'm hoping that it was just mucus from my cold, but it didn't look like mucus normally does.
If it happens again I guess I'll sprint over the the doctor's. I looked up the symptoms of glaucoma and this doesn't really sound like that, and since I don't fancy spending money on an ER visit to hear "You have a cold" I'll wait and see if anything changes.