i still d0n't understAnd it..

May 22, 2005 04:20

It's 4:o2 in the morning. I was sleeping, then I woke up. I can't fall back asleep for the life of me. I guess it's just because I'm overwhelmed with thoughts. There's too much going on right now. Everything is just stressing me out. I've been dragging on all week. Everynight I get about, oh, somwhere between 4 and 7 hours asleep. Not much huh? Oh well. Things have been getting so hectic. I can't keep up, it's like one thing happens and then another is happening and i'm just like, wtf?!

I realized one thing I will never understand is why someone hates me. I mean, I never really did andything to that perosn. And to tell you the truth, I don't hate her, I don't even dislike her. I never have, despite what many people say. And that's just it, "what many people say". Nowadays, whenever someone says something, everyone listens to them without even consulting the person it has to do with. I mean, people do that shit to me all the time. If people would just shut their mouth, I'd be fine. But back to the person, I honestly have no clue why they hate me. I mean, I honestly don't remember doing anything to them, it was kinda just like "hey, you're cool, let's talk all the time -ALL.OF.A.SUDDEN- i hate you, don't talk to me, you're a whore." The pathetic thing is, I'm not really exaggerating either. It was that bad. The thing that sucks is, I actually would love to be friends with that person. I mean, we have so much in common and they're a really cool person, but, they just happen to hate me for reasons uknown, to me atleast. Oh well, I guess there's just some things you'll never know. This must be one of them. Alright, I guess I'm gonna try and go back to sleep. Bye.

s0 l0ng And g0odnight..
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