mats brother is a jew killing bastard...

Apr 15, 2005 15:18

wow im bored hungry too..lalala its been 5 months since mat and i have been going out. isnt that just happy. i think so! bleh..i want food. i had a twinkie today for lunch. it was good....i had a sandiwch too. there was a gay peprally and....the only funny part were the guy cheerleaders and that was about it. other than that i hate peprallys so freaking much..grrr...theyre a waste of MY precious(?) time. wooooo...uuuuhh....ha..renzo is going to be at publix every saturday....why my publix? so that means i can talk to him then........thats if im not be working but...bleh i dont know. i might not beable to find his mom to take her food out. oh well..ill talk to him one day though and he can tell me if its a good idea or not but i dont know if i can trust him. hm..he has to go shopping with me too......becuz...i dont know but hejust does and he said that april probably wont let him but i dont care what april wants or wont let him do. im going shopping and RENZO is coming with me damnit! itll be fun i promise. i have work tomorrow 10 or 1030 until 330 so yea..i might be doing something with mat afterwards. his brother is a nazi...and mats going to kill apparently josh didnt know the alkdg were on his binder and he "doesnt know what they mean" psh..doesnt know what they mean my was funny..mat was yelling at him and telling him to get out of the house and stuf...i laughed. so freaking hungry god im guna die. i should have brought pudding for lunch but i forgot..well i didnt really forget i just kind of sorta..didnt go outback and get me one cuz i was lazy. so yeah......hmmmmmmm...i get to go to my moms house today and damnit...i was going to bring my money with me to skool so i could put it in the bank but i forgot it. if im missing more money someones never going to here the end of it and im going to kill that lil bastard. he needs to die...ok well my arm is itchy and i dont know what else to write so toodles~
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